Back to School…

August 10, 2022


Today was our kid’s 1st day of school (hence the obligatory Back to School photos posted above).

Don’t you love the feel in the air on the start of a new school year or trying something new? Everyone is happy, excited and also nervous (parents included!).

We could all take a lesson or two from our kiddos:

✔️Be brave

✔️Don’t be scared to try new things

✔️Expand your horizons

✔️Make new friends

As adults, sometimes we get stuck in the comfortable, predictable and normal day-to-day activities of life.

But what if we acted like kids on the 1st day of school for once?



August, December, May…these are the busiest months out of the year for any parent/teacher (trust me, I get it).

But before you know it, the calendar will turn to September and early fall will soon be upon you. You meant to plan something for Fall Break but now you are too late to find availability anywhere. Staycation anyone?!?

Fall turns into winter (in one week, if you live in the Midwest). The holiday bustle starts earlier and earlier and you had grand plans for your winter holiday break, however, the pricing has gone through the roof and you can’t afford to get away.

I see and feel this scenario play out time and time again…sometimes on repeat for many of my friends and colleagues. If you don’t take ahold of your schedule, time will quickly and quietly slip by.

From a Mom’s perspective, I 100% get it but from a Travel Advisor’s perspective…you are never too early to start planning for travel. In all honesty, you should be planning for Spring Break and next Summer at this point. The travel world has changed drastically…long gone are the days where flights and hotels got cheaper the closer you got to the departure date. The pent up demand has caused prices to soar at record highs and availability at all time lows.

So my tip: Once the kiddos are back in school, take out your school calendar and start planning out your next vacation!