Happy National Travel Advisor Day

May 4, 2022

Happy May the Fourth Be With You and National Travel Advisor Day!

I want to take some time to talk about National Travel Advisor Day and give a shout out to the entire industry as they have been among some of the hardest hit from the pandemic. Travel Advisors worked their butts off to get clients home safely in the middle of the shutdowns, reschedule beautifully curated itineraries for their clients once, if not more than once AND stay on top of the everchanging COVID requirements involved with this new era of travel.

Did you know that 65% of all US jobs losses in 2020 were in the Travel Industry?

It is devastating to think about and I still feel the loss when flights are continuously cancelled, hotels have limited availability and the hiring crisis. But the demand is here and the travel industry is slowly rebuilding. I do believe that those that have survived this pandemic will come back stronger and better than before.

Have you heard of Revenge Travel?

It is like when you go through a bad breakup and ‘get revenge’ on your ex. Americans are getting ‘even’ with the pandemic (aka our ex that keeps lingering around too long) and planning for their Revenge Travel to make up for the lost time.

Where do you want to go for your Revenge Travel?



Did I hear anyone say Italy? It’s definitely at the top of my list!

We are doing a deep dive on Florence and with that comes one of our most favorite hotels, VILLA SAN MICHELE.

In the mid-15th century, the noble Davanzati family donated a swathe of land on the Fiesole hills to a Franciscan order. Five centuries later, the monastery they built was to become Villa San Michele, a Belmond Hotel in Florence.

Capturing all the romance of the Renaissance, the hotel boasts interiors steeped in history, lush Italian gardens and unparalleled views of the city and the Chianti hills beyond. Architectural highlights include a façade attributed to Michelangelo and a romantic, arched Loggia, now the hotel’s panoramic restaurant. From here, sunset views embrace the silhouetted domes and turrets of the Florentine skyline. In the nearby Bar San Michele, gentle piano music provides a soundtrack for stargazing through the glass roof.

Forty-five individually designed rooms and suites are arrayed across the monastery building and gardens, including a private three-bedroom villa. Inviting sanctuaries with custom-made furniture and Carrara marble bathrooms, many benefit from private gardens or terraces.

The immaculate gardens burst with lemon trees, orange blossom and fragrant roses. Each spring, a centuries-old wisteria swathes the lawn-facing façade in purple blooms. The heated pool, perched on the hillside, offers breathtaking views of the Arno Valley. Private picnics, alfresco massages and yoga classes can all be enjoyed in the gardens. A changing exhibition of contemporary artworks and site-specific installations keeps the hotel’s creative spirit alive.

Located about 15 minutes away from the city center of Florence, Villa San Michele runs a courtesy shuttle for guests. For those clients looking for sweeping views, top notch service with proximity to the city, this hotel takes the cake!

Insider Tip: Be sure to schedule an Italian cooking class, hosted by the hotel’s chef in the conservatory, and even learn how to make homemade gnocchi.